Aroostook County
Historical & Art Museum
of Houlton
Post Office and Custom's House
8 Water Street

Taken form the Illustrated Souvenir Edition of the Aroostook Pioneer Dated Spring 1895
New Government Building
Houlton’s new government building, of which we present cut, is now completed and occupied.
This building was begun in the spring of 1893. It is situated on the west side of Water St., not far from Market Square. It is built of brick with granite foundation, and is a solid looking structure and city-like appearance of the village.
The appropriation made by Congress was $60,000, and, strange to say, it has been built within the appropriation. Of course the furnishing, electric lights, heating, etc., have been exclusive of the above named sum.

The contractors for the erection of the building were M. C. Foster & Son of Waterville.
The foundations of the building rest for the most part on the ledge which underlies all the eastern portion of Aroostook County.
The dimensions of the building are 50 feet by 60, two stores in height.
The walls are 26 inches in thickness from basement to attic. The work of construction was most thoroughly performed and reflects credit upon the contractors.
The interior finish is of quartered Oak throughout, and the windows are of plate glass. The basement is the apparatus for heating, which is done by means of hot air.
The whole of the lower story is devoted to post office uses.
There might possibly be some criticism as to the size of the lobby, the limited number of boxes and the general arrangement of this part of the building, although such criticism would avail nothing now, but when we find the building piped for gas and realize the fact there are no gas works in the Aroostook county, and in all probability never will be, we are naturally led to inquire in the language of the dance.

The postmaster’s private room is a large and elegant apartment with an open fire place surrounded by black marble from Glenn’s Falls, Mass., and a mottled fire frame of Tennessee marble.
There is a large fire-proof and burglar-proof vault, and tables, desks, racks for mail matter, etc., in ample abundance.
These commodious and finely furnished post office apartments are occupied at present by the following official and assistants: James Gillin, Jr., Postmaster. John McCluskey, Clerk. Maggie Atridge, Clerk. Percy Rideout, Clerk.

The second story is entirely devoted to customs, and is wholly separated from the post office, the flight of stairs leading to the second floor being outside the post office rooms.
There are five rooms on the floor quite conveniently arranged, and very tastily furnished with quartered oak desks, tables, counters, etc.
The rooms are as follows:- Custom house, special deputies’ room, inspector’s room, collector’s room and a toilet room.
The collector’s room has an open fire place similar to the one in the postmaster’s room below. Three of the rooms are carpeted, and they all look as cosy and attractive as parlors.
The officials in this department are: H. J. Hatheway, Collector of Customs for Aroostook District; Deputy Collector, James Archibald, Benj. B. Felly, John McMennamin and Henry Gillin.